Bottles of Juice

The Importance of Nutrition.

It’s crucial to ensure that every EMS training session is supported by a healthy diet, as this will ensure that you have high energy levels, that you recover quickly from your training, and help to boost your overall performance and results.

We’ll work alongside our experienced partners to advise you on your nutritional needs, and develop a healthy meal plan exclusively for you that’s tailored to your needs and activity level.

The meals that you eat can have a considerable impact on your emotions – so look forward to delicious, nutritious meals that’ll boost your wellbeing!

Good Hydration tips

Remaining adequately hydrated in everyday life is important and is essential before, during, and after your workouts. If you’re dehydrated before exercise you’ll have less energy, your heart will need to work harder, and your core temperature will rise quicker, impacting on your performance and, in extreme cases, even leading to heat stroke.

Ensuring that you’re appropriately hydrated is simple. Make sure that you choose the right fluids for the intensity of the exercise you’re doing, the length of time that you’re doing it, and the conditions on the day. For example, if it’s a hot day, you’ll need to drink more fluids than on a cold day. Energy drinks are often used to help replenish your electrolytes , however, plain water is suitable for the majority of the time. Consider drinking little and often throughout the day.

Remember, you can check if you’re hydrated by observing the colour of your urine. If it’s colourless, you’re drinking enough fluids and your body is hydrated. The darker the colour gets the more dehydrated you are and you should drink more water.

About the author : support

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